I am not currently taking commissions. Please check back as I will again in the future.
I've received a lot of requests for this over the years. Now that I have the experience and the time I'm happy to offer this service. I specialize in My Little Ponies but have experience with many types of toys. I offer one of the most extensive lists of restoration services in the MLP collecting community.
See the My Collection and Testimonials sections for more examples of my work. I learned using my own collection so that your collection can benefit! I've also done a lot of restorations that are not yet pictured; these photos coming soon! I use high quality products known to toy collectors for decades as well as many products specifically formulated for dolls.
Please contact me at mlppreservation@gmail.com if you would like me to give your old toys new life!
Deep Cleaning $10.00 To remove rust, sticky residues, gum, and other issues that can occur when
hair and children come into contact. Minor tinsel straightening included at no additional fee.
Curling $10.00 (Add $5.00 if the pony has multi colored hair that needs to be separated) I use
foam curlers and heat from a hair dryer.
De-Frizzing $5 - $15 Price depends on the severity of the issue (tinsel straightening included at no
additional fee).
Re-Hairing $20 A full re-hair including the tail. Customer pays for or provides the hair. I usually order from
dollyhair.com due to my ability to match colors accurately on their website. There is an additonal fee for
ponies who require extra care due to mechanical parts or special requests. I can do alternate re-hairs for you as well!
Re-Pinking $5
Basic Cleaning $5 for accessories, $10 for large playsets Includes an Oxi-clean bath for
cloth accessories and a wash with Dawn dish detergent and a magic eraser for plastic accessories.
Sculpting $25.00
Re-Painting $5 for small accessories, $10 for large accessories or portions of a playset,
$20 for entire playsets (Recommended for yellowed playsets.)
Repair $5 For issues such as tears, missing buttons, and fraying.
Yellowing $5 for accessories I use a hydrogen peroxide/sun soak.
Sticker Repair and Replacement $5 per sticker I can touch up existing stickers or print re-productions
when available.
Surface Cleaning $5.00 Includes an OxiClean bath where appropriate, surface washing with Dawn dish detergent and a magic eraser, and the removal of stains using acetone (basic hair wash and conditioning included at no extra charge).
Deep Cleaning $10.00 Includes cleaning the inside of the pony, rust and mold removal, and more as needed (basic hair wash and conditioning included at no extra charge).
Repair/Sculpting $25.00 Includes 3D symbols and body parts (an extra fee for materials may apply if you require a large amount of sculpting).
Cancer Removal $10.00 I use the Hydrogen Peroxide/sun soak method described in the Body section of this site. Available April thru September. Please note, the results of this method vary by individual pony and the severity of the staining.
Stain Removal/Whitening $10.00 - $20.00 Price depends on the severity and number of stains to be removed. I may use regular sun-fading with the pony wrapped in paper towel, the paint/sunfade method, or a Hydrogen Peroxide/sun soak depending on the type of stain. Available April - September.
Plasticizer Cleaning $5.00 I use Formula 9-1-1 which is specially formulated for cleaning sticky residue off of dolls. Please note, if the plasticizer in your toy has not fully leached out at the time treatment is applied, the stickiness will return with time. Multiple treatments are often needed before the problem is fully resolved.
Restoration Commissions
BBE Rust Removal $10
Twinkle Eye Re-Painting $5.00
Paint Touch Ups $5.00
Full Re-Paints $15.00
Twinkle Eye Replacement $5 Customer pays for or provides replacement jewels.
Dream Beauties
Basic Cleaning & Hair Wash $5
Re-Hairing $25
Repair $10
Flutter Wings $10 I'll make you your own set in the style and
color of your choosing using the pop bottle method.
General Cleaning & Hair Wash $5
Eye Repair $5
Repair $10
De-Stinking $5 Removal of yucky smells such as mildew and smoke. An additional fee may apply if the problem is especially severe.
Windy/Summer Wings $5 to insert pre-made wings provided by the customer, $10 to make wings from scratch in the color of your choosing. (These will not match their original wings.)
Have a toy of a different type or with an issue not listed here? Contact me at mlppreservation@gmail.com with photos and a description of what you would like repaired and I will send you a quote.
Would you like a custom of an animal or pet? I also offer individualized models in both realistic and fantasy styles. Check them out here! Customs
- Home - Restoration - Body - Hair - Symbols - Accessories - Miscellaneous - Materials - My Collection - FarDreamer -
Painting $10.00 To cover issues caused from re-grind and irremovable stains. I guarantee a near exact color match or I will refund the cost of labor.
Smooze or Pin-Dot Mold Removal $10 - $20 Prices depend on the severity of the issue.
So-Soft Cleaning $10.00 Please note, I use a small amount of bleach when cleaning so-softs, unless requested otherwise.
So-Soft De-Flocking $25.00
So-Soft Re-Flocking $15.00
Wharped Parts $5.00 Includes the straightening of legs and correction of issues such as dents in the pony's body.